Your Default Church Why DoWe Go Anyway?


Where  going to church was for most Americans the default ( an option that will automatically be selected by a computer if the user does not choose one setting, today it’s a conscious choice. Many churches tried wooing Boomers back with softness and smiles, affirming images of a God who is helpful for our life projects, and myriad activities for the kids. Many of their children and grandchildren are burned out on it all. Some head for the exit, toward Rome, the East, or the “spiritual but not religious” category. Others are calling the church to be less consumer-driven and to make God the focus.

Rivers of Joy Baptist Church is or desires to be a God focus, Bible driven church.

We have few side dishes of worship.  We don’t have a “contemporary-worship ” dish, and a “traditionalist” side dish either.  The really only dish we ofter is the main dish and that is the teaching of the Scriptures the best we can.

If you are looking for a church that will address your children needs, and your needs, well, it all depends upon what you call needs.  We are not necessary “human-centered” that is we want you to feel at home in our church. We do not ask you to take off your shoes when you come in and dress like I am at this present moment.

The design of our services hasn’t really taken the shape that as an Pastor/Eders wish yet, but it is getting there.  The services are not design to get the people to have more participation in the service.   Some would say that is worship, that is longer singing time with a praise band.  We don’t have either long singing and a praise band.

So just what do we consider worship at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church. I am sure what this Pastor/Elder has in mind would be a little different than what members would have in mind.

We come to church for what purpose?  What is worship?

Doesn’t it seem that many come so that they  can do something,  to praise, to express themselves, to serve, to get their needs met? Yes we are to confess our sines and our faith to Christ, and give financially to support the ministry of the church, and we are to pray. But where in the service is there room for God to give us anything when we are doing all the doing in the service?

I was reading an article today that said that historically at least, Reformed churches believed that the Triune God is the primary actor in the public service in church they called it the “divine service: the Father, in Christ, by the Spirit, serving His people with His good gifts..

Could we say that our church public service is a “divine service?”  As the Pastor/Elder of our church its my desire that we might receive from God Himself. What I would hope is when people say “This was a really great day at church” they would not mean that Johnny  sung a great song, or I had a great motivational sermon, but rather, “our heavenly Father did it again today.”  He blessed us with His grace, Christ poured out His love, and the Spirit through His Word touched our hearts.  He was real and present in our church today.

I remember coming up out of the water when I was baptized many years ago, I remember the times that my spirit was lifted up to glory as it were when the preaching had the Spirit of God upon it.   In one case I felt just wet from the water  and in the other case God came down upon my soul and spirit.

Too often people come to church for all the wrong reasons. They are looking for a Wal-Mart consumer-driving model. Where we come to church to “get something out of it.”

Personally I believe we should come to church to have God tell us what we really need, (regardless of our “felt needs) and to give us what we need most.  Ye we come to give our selves to worship, and one way is to praise Him, but another is to listen to Him, and the Spirit.  Far too many people want the praise band or the music to speak to them, and shut off their minds when it comes to the preaching, just where the Lord talks to them.

Who calls us to worship in the first place? God does. Then who sets the tone of the service? Well the Lord does. Are we just asking God to look upon us as we do our thing? How can we experience God being active in our worship?

If I come into the church on Sunday Morning with this default setting of narcissism, consumerism, and seeking for my needs to be meet, than I don’t need better techniques, rules or motivation for becoming a more intense worshiper of God; I need to be killed and made alive in Christ!”

If we come to church as place where we just get our marching orders for the week, have a little sandwich and a piece of apple pie, and a change to sing a few songs, then why do we really need to show up in the first place, we could get the same in other places.

The question should be what can be done in our church worship service that cannot be done in an informal way throughout the week or  anywhere else?

Why do we come to church? We come to church because the Creator and Redeemer has called us to assemble. He has something to tell us, that will rock our world. Christ has His candle stand in the midst of His Church in the power of the Holy Spirit.  On the Lord’s Day we need to have a taste of glory divine, that can happen when we express our praise to Him in song, and in the teaching of His Word.  Colossians 3:16  and Ephesians 5:19.

What we need to get a hold of is.  that we are not only God-centered enough,  even when we try, our focus needs to get off what we bring to the table and  actually get our attention on what  God is bring to the table.

My prayer is that when you come to church, you come with an heart to receive what He is going to free give you if you wanting to receive rather than want to give something.

We  the Pastor/Elders at Rivers of Joy are still trying to figure out how we can be a place where God is met and the Holy Spirit is felt and Christ is glorified and we can be filled with the joy and praise of Christ as we leave this place.

Romans 8:18 The Suffering For The Glory of God, Part 2

Romans 8 18 The Glory of God As Motive in Suffering Pt 2  

Click to go to the outline  Grow By Learning Website


Today in my study on Romans chapter eight

The best way to learn is to learn from somebody who know it already.  Some say that a  preacher should get all his knowledge from his one personal mind and without any help from anyone else.  Those preachers that can, praise the Lord.  I can’t.

Therefore I study from men who know more than I know.  If you were to read the books and sermons that I do then you would be one step up when you listen to me.

There are groups of church people, who believe all that a preacher says should come  at the moment that he is preaching. Again if they can do that praise the Lord.

I have no problem with people who are just naturally biblical smart and do not need to study before they preach.  I have heard a lot of preacher who thought they were smart enough to do that.

When you judge your preachers sermon,  listen to the content of the message, take notes, and then review them when you have time.

If I  were you, I would not worry if the sermon is totally original with the preacher, I would be thankful that what he is preaching is biblical and true and helpful.

This is my older bible that I have used for a number of years.

This is my bible with a copy of my manuscript (in yellow) used in Altoona, Kansas . and then a typed manuscript I used in Rivers of Joy.

Do not get up tight that the preacher uses a manuscript or notes or outlines. Its better that you know that what he is teaching is sound doctrine and from the Word of God.

Whereas some preachers can with grace and great learning write a beautiful sermon, I praise the Lord for that.  Those who start out in ministry need to be good with the skill of writing and language. Take the time to learn how to be a good minister of the Lord. Learn to be faithful in your work.  Be real in and out of the pulpit, if you have one.

Yes this is me back in 1967 at Bible Baptist Seminary in Arlington Texas.

As I have always said from the first sermon I preached  back in 1963 to the one I will preach and teach tomorrow May 27 2012 has been by hard work, hard study, lot of printing, and typing, and using a lot of  research and study from other great men.


Purpose of Suffering Notes and Video

To what purpose do we suffer?

1) Some suffering is meant to lead us to change our ways in order to remove the source of our suffering and to give us a fuller and happier life as a Christian through better decisions. Galatians 6.8

2) Suffering is allowed by God in our lives to increase our hope in God. Romans 5.1-5

3) Suffering is allowed by God so that we can comfort others who are suffering. 2 Corinthians 1.3-7

4) Suffering is allowed by God to bring others to Christ. Acts 16.25-34

5) Obedience in our suffering brings Glory to God. John 17.4

6) Suffering is allowed by God to build in us the character of Jesus. Romans 5.1-5; 8.28-29

7) Suffering is allowed by God to equip us to share in God’s glory. Romans 8.17-18


Suffering is ultimately the result of sin, from which will not be delivered until our Lord returns.

Every instance of suffering in our lives is not necessarily the direct result of our sin.

God has purposes for our suffering that man not be known to us in this life, but only in eternity

When viewed in the light of eternity our suffering seems bearable

Suffering may draw us near to God, while success and easy may do the opposite

When God uses suffering for his glory and our God He turns the curses into the cure.

No one has ever suffered more, than God’s son, in bringing about the only means of our salvation

This whole message could be on the suffering of Christians down through history



The BIble Is Really The Word of God

The Bible Is Really The Word of God 1

 BIBLE Is the Bible Really the Word of God?

Researched by Charles e   Whisnant

May 20 2012

Of course the Bible is the Word of God, I have not even question that fact all of my life. Goodness, what would make you think otherwise. Right.  But I didn’t know that many in the world today do not believe the Bible is anything but a book like any other book.We Christians just take the Bible to be true and that settles that question.

But in this series I have been trying to prove that the Bible is really the Word of God.

1A    The Proof of Science

There is a great deal of scientific evidence that supports the Bible. Enough that we have a separate page to discuss this proof alone.

The Bible is not a science book, yet it is scientifically accurate. We are not aware of any scientific evidence that contradicts the Bible. We have listed statements on this page that are consistent with known scientific facts. Many of them were listed in the Bible hundreds or even thousands of years before being recorded elsewhere. Many concepts and notes on this page are adapted from ideas and statements that appear in The DEFENDER’S Study Bible.

1B                   Statements Consistent With Paleontology (the branch of science concerned with fossil animals and plants.  Now I am not an paleontologist but that would have been fun to have been. Over the years we have heard a lot about dinosaurs and how big they are and when they lived in history.

So all our lives we have been told that 200 million years ago these animals have lived. Well as I had Sunday, they did live but when?  We looked in Job 40:15 and Job 41:1 and the two chapters give us an ideal about these dinosaurs that lived.

The Bible Is Really The Word of God 1

Sunday’s Sermons May 20 2012


Our topic of study since the beginning of the year has been “Is the Bible really the Word of God.”  Last week our topic was “Can we know that the New Testament Canon is Reliable.” And after a 64 minute lesson, on of the students said, “Can you give me short points that I could have someone who does not believe the Bible is reliable?”  Can we give evidences that the Bible is reliable and truth in its content?

Researching this week on this subject, which I do a lot.  I must have reviewed a dozen articles on a dozen websites.  There certainly is a lot of articles on this subject.  I did download 14 pages on this topic this week.  I will give the result of my study this Sunday.


By the way we start the worship service with prayer, bible reading and then I present my sermon.  This week I am back in Romans 8 and in verse 18.  In my study this week we look at verse 18 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

So how do I take this verse and what are we to do with this information?  That is, the suffering that we are facing in this life that we live as a Christian. I will try to  address this Sunday.  Its true that the Christian will likely face difficult life situations, and this is a part of this life on earth.  And there is a connection between our Christian life that leads to our growth in sanctification and the future of being join heir with Christ in our glorification.

We should not therefore be surprise when God sometimes takes what is perfect and subjects it to a humble status so that a greater good might be accomplished. And we need to have hope. This stage of suffering is merely a transitional period in our lives. I willfuture address this in the message Sunday.


I am going to tackle Luke 1 this week. The question is why did Luke began the story of Jesus with the family of John the Baptist?  I did some research on this subject.  I must have looked at a dozen or more articles.

1 “In the days of Herod, king of Judea”  This was an interesting study.

2 “There was a certain priest named Zacharias” Now that took a few hours of research.

3 “of the division of Abijah.”  Now I took a tour about priesthood in the Jewish religion.

In my study this week I have learned a number of things. Why did Luke began with the birth of John the Baptist? What about the priesthood that Zacharias was a priest?  And how all this ties in with the historical redemptive story that began back in Genesis.

I have 51 pages of  research on this sermon. It that say I have much more that I will be able to use in Sunday’s lesson. Having reviewed a dozen website.  Back in the old days, I would have two dozen books to study from, which I still do, but its faster and easier to find them on the web.

Now my prayer is that the Lord will give me wisdom as I present these lessons Sunday.

Charles e whisnant

Mom: Things She Taught Me About Church

6 Things Mom Taught Me About Church

Charles e. Whisnant, May 13, 2012



I’m a preacher’s kid, so growing up, I sat on a church pew every time the doors were open (and they were hard wooden things back then.)  Mom was pretty strict about attending church, and I’ve sat through about a million worship services, weddings, funerals, vacation Bible schools, Sunday school classes, revivals, youth rallies, and more.  Along the way, my mom had some pretty tough rules that have mostly fallen out of fashion since those days.  But after a few decades, I’m wondering if they weren’t so bad after all.  Let me know if you think my mom was nuts or maybe on to something:

1.  Dress Up

 My mom felt that church was about honoring God, and looking right was a big part of that honor.  Mom  made sure I was dressed up before I left the house.  Today, even pastors preach in jeans and t-shirts, and the truth is, I  no not really love being casual.  But attorneys and other professions have learned that how you dress impacts your attitude and perception.

As my mom said, it shouldn’t be about pride, it should be about honor.  Looking around the congregation these days, I just wonder if we could use an occasional dose of my mom’s advice.

2.  Pay Attention

 I got slapped a lot in church for not paying attention.  Even as kids, my mom wouldn’t let us lay down on the church pew, draw in coloring books, or scribble on paper.  We had to pay attention.  But looking back, it taught me discipline and a remarkable amount of Bible teaching.

3.  Send the Babies to the Nursery 

Back in those days, we didn’t have “children’s church.”  All we had was a nursery for the babies, and my mom thought they should go.  To her, there was nothing more rude than parents allowing a screaming baby to interrupt the worship of the congregation.  She knew babies weren’t getting anything out of the sermon, so get them out where they could have a little fun!  Please, leave us to worship in peace and quiet.  I thought about my mom last Sunday, sitting behind a young couple with a screaming baby  Even to this day, I have a hard time with babies in the services when I am teaching or just visiting a service.

4.  If You Show Up Late, Sit in the Back

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Mom thought church wasn’t the same as a movie, concert, or classroom.  It was holy, and we needed to respect that.  Although 99% of the time, our family sat on the front row, Mom played the piano and thus sat on the front row, and that is where we went when she was finishing playing.  but if we showed up late for any reason at another service, we sat in the back.  She would never distract anyone from my dad’s message by walking down the aisle after the service had started

5.  Bring Your Bible

My mom’s motto was “Buy a Bible, read it, and underline it.”  She never understood how people could come to church without their Bible.  To her, it was like showing up at a baseball game without a bat.  While I am trying to use my Kindle Fire to read the Bible in the morning, I can’t get my mom’s rule out of my head, so I bring the real thing – marked up and all.

6.  Sunday School Matters

Remarkably few churches have Sunday school programs anymore, and I’m often surprised at the number of church members who think a weekly sermon is enough.  Mom felt that we needed to go deeper, and Sunday school was that place.  Obviously, that was before many churches started to encourage small groups – although most small groups I’ve attended are more about “reflection,” “what’s new in my life,” and “sharing.”  My mom would probably puke.

At the time, I thought I’d been switched at birth, and my mom was an evil witch, but now, I’m starting to see she might have been pretty smart.