How did Moses who wrote the book of Genesis find out about Adam and Eve?



How did Moses who wrote the book of Genesis find out about Adam and Eve?
Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher/ Student of the Word

If Moses was rescued and raised by an Egyptian princess as a baby, how did he learn about the God of Abraham? Do you think he might have been raised to worship Egyptian Gods? Could the OT be a combination of the Hebrew’s God and the Egyptian’s Gods?

What was Moses’ account of creation?
Exodus 24:18; 34:28;  24:26; and 25:40

What happened during Moses’ first 40 days atop Mt. Sinai?

Yahweh Elohiom invited Moses and his minster Joshua.  The 70 elders, Aaron, Nadad and Abihu went up to the plateau to the mount Exodus 24:1-2; 24:9-11

God appeared to these humans in a vision in the angelic or ghostly form of a man. Moses described His form as follows. “And they saw the Elohim (God) of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness (Ex. 24:10).”

When did Moses see creation?

During this first 40 days and nights that Moses was in the mount (Ex. 24:18), He mentioned the first six days that the cloud covered the mountain

Study of Obadiah

Obadiah chart 1Obadiah chart day of the Lord cloud


1. Does God have enemies? How do you know that? Would our society agree with this? Why or why not?
2. How do you know whether or not you are God’s enemy or God’s friend?
3. Edom was guilty in putting their hope/trust/security in things other than God (see Obadiah 1:2-4). Ask the Lord if there are areas in your heart and life that you look to for security other than Him. What should you do to adjust that?
4. How does the book of Obadiah show that God is sovereign even over sin? How might it seem as if God is being unjust in condemning Edom for doing what they did? If God is not unjust in what He did, how do we reconcile that?
5. How can it encourage us to know that God will always, without fail, fight for His children?
6. If the kingdom is the LORD’s (see Obadiah 1:21) and Jesus is the King of God’s kingdom (see Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), how does one get to be a subject of the kingdom of God? (See John 3:36)