Evangelist Alan Harris Singing Concert August 13, 2016 with Angie Harris and their three sons

Harris, Andrew singing 08 13 2016

 Andrew Harris singing at the Harris Singing Concert August 13, 2016

Anthony Harris,  Alan Harris and Alex Harris 


Anna and Andrew Harris and Charity Whisnant


Harris, Angie 08 13 2016

Harris  AndrewHarris, Andrew singing 08 13 2016Harris, Anthony singing 08 13 2016


Charles and Charity Whisnant were so blessed to be able to attend the Alan Harris Singing Concert at Calvary Baptist Church in Connersville, IN



Haynes Dwight and CharlesDwight Haynes and Charles e Whisnant

100_2052_thumb.jpgCharles e Whisnant and Alan Harris

ROJBC-Winston-Charles-Tie-Wedns.jpgWinston Hall and Charles

1. Calling

The most frustrated preacher is the one who has a sense of duty but not a burning calling. Preaching is not just another helping profession, a Christian version of the politics or the Peace Corps. The call to preach is a definite demand issued by the Holy Spirit that ignites a fire in one’s bones that cannot be extinguished by the hard-hearted, stiff-necked, or dull of hearing. A preacher who has been called must preach what God has spoken simply because God has spoken it. The success of one’s ministry will depend on the strength of his calling. His willingness to work at his preaching will be proportional to his conviction that God has called him to preach and to be as fit a vessel for God’s use as he can be. The Holy Spirit must undergird everything else from preparation to delivery, and that will not happen apart from that calling.

Hershael York is Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Christian Preaching and Associate Dean of Ministry and Proclamation in the School of Theology of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Senior Pastor of Buck Run Baptist Church. He is married to Tanya and they have two sons.
