The False Spread of Wealth to The Faithful Christians

Prosposity Gospel 1

We might applaud the spread of Christianity in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, but it is daunting to recognize how much that marches under the Christian banner is in fact the prosperity gospel. Some of the most prominent churches and most recognizable leaders preach prosperity in poor countries, such as Edir Macedo, founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Brazil, and Enoch Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Nigeria. Unlike the aspiring working- and middle-class Americans who watch Joel Osteen or Creflo Dollar on their flat-screen TVs, many Brazilian and Nigerian prosperity adherents can ill afford even the few dollars they give in the hope of reaping their own personal blessing.

Read the rest of the article: here

We think we need more than we have. We spend more than we have. If you can pay for it with cash that is different. If you can get it for less that is okay too.

But you do not get more by giving money to these TV guys who say you need to sow seed of $1000 to their ministry to get more of what you think you want.

Getting The Bible Printed Was Not Easy

A Visiual Hisotry of the Bible

The time might come in America that preachers are going to be arrested for speaking the truth that is in the Bible if it is not political correct in the eyes of a few who are trying to control the agenda of free speech.  Reminds me of the 1500-1600 when those preachers spend a lot of time in jail for their belief. Some were even killed for their belief that every person should have a Bible in their hands.

Reading the history of the Bible been printed and giving to the public:  The book:  “A Visual History of the English Bible ” by Donal L. Brake is a great visual book with over 100 illustrations.  How the Bible went from the Pulpit to the People really is good.  But that task was not easy. And was not like buy the church of that day either.

Those who desired to have the Bible in print was danger of been either killed our run out of town.

Though English translations had been approved by Henry and his court, the attempts of the enemies of the Reformation to destroy all English Bibles were not slowed down.

With the printing of the Coverdale and Grafton there was danger still lurked at every stage of the work.

Well you would need to read the book for a full detail of this process of printing a Bible in the 1500’s.

Well today we have a bible every where and in many homes and hotels, and library and no one is going to try to take them out of those places.  But few are reading the Bible that cost many their lives in their getting the bible in the hands of the common people.

Dealing With Difference

Duck Dynasty?

Tongues letters out of mouth

Russell Moore

— Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 —

Tonight I took to Twitter to say that A&E’s suspension of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson is ridiculous. If the reports are true that the reality TV star’s suspension was due to his stated views on homosexuality then I hardly think silencing him can be called open-minded. In fact, it’s the sort of censorious cultural fundamentalism that is neither “progressive” nor “pluralistic.”

Let me stipulate that I’m not really much of a fan of reality television. I think it’s largely inane and not worth watching. But I don’t think that means it ought to be pulled off the air. That’s why there’s an “off” button on the remote control.

Admittedly, A&E didn’t hire Robertson to be Charlie Rose or George Will. They hired him to be comedic and sometimes shockingly homespun. Now, I thought his reported anatomical comparisons were ill-advised and crude. But that doesn’t seem to be where the controversy lies.

The comments that seem most offensive to people are his moral assessments of sex outside of conjugal marriage, which were more or less just a recitation of the Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6. As Christians, we believe that Jesus is lord over sexuality, and he says that sexuality is expressed rightly only in the marriage of a man and a woman. That’s not new. We also think we’re all sinners, and that God calls us all to repentance. That’s not new either.

We’re a divided country on sexual issues. That’s why every news cycle brings more controversy. Why not engage one another, and have the debates in a civil fashion, without attempting to silence one another. I don’t agree with David Letterman’s views on divorce and cohabitation, but I don’t want him suspended for voicing them. I’ll bet I don’t agree with MTV’s Nev Schulman of the popular Catfish show on sexual ethics, but it wouldn’t put me in the fetal position under the table to hear him voice them.

Let’s have the sort of cultural conversation that allows us to seek to persuade each other, not to seek to silence one another with intimidation. That’s what real diversity is all about.

A generation ago, preachy censors wanted the Beatles and Elvis Presley off the air because they were too “subversive” to be heard. We roll our eyes at such now. And that was when there were only three or four television options. Now, I’m not sure I could find Duck Dynasty on television in quicker than ten minutes because A&E is situated among hundreds of cable options. If I don’t like that he’s gutting a deer in front of his granddaughters, I can turn the channel. If I don’t like that he goes to a church with a different view of baptism than mine, then I can go on the Internet and say why I think he’s wrong. And if you don’t like his religious views on sexuality (views held also by Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and evangelicals as well as by many Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and the Dalai Lama), you’re free to say why you think he’s wrong. And you’re free to change the channel.

Let’s have genuine diversity, meaning let’s talk honestly with one another about what we believe and why. Muting one another isn’t what debate is for in a free society. It’s what remote controls are for.


God’s Plan For Saving Us: First Peter One

December 11,  and 18, 2013

1B     Salvation means being rescued from jeopardy and misery, so that one is now safe. Exodus 52:2;  Jonah 2:9 and Psalms 116:6
2B    Salvation from sin and its consequences.

3B   Salvation has three tenses
1C  from sin’s guilt (the past  aspect, exposure to penalty is gone)
2C  from its power (the present aspect:  sin no longer rules us
3C  from its presence (the future aspect: sin will one day be no more than a bad memory.)

      4B  Christians have been saved from:
1C  from the wrath of God (Romans 5:9; 1 Thess. 1:10
2C  from eternal death: Romans 6:21 and 23
3C  from the dominion of sin: Romans 6:14, 18
4C  from the life of fear:  Romans 8:15
5C from controlling habits of ungodliness and immorality: Titus 2:12

Christians will one day be fully conformed to Jesus in body and moral character:
Philippians 3:20 and I John 3:2.

5B   While we live in joyful favor with God, we serve out of a gratitude of worship, there is this indwelling sin.But through the energy of the Holy Spirit we gain victory: Romans 5:12; 12:1; 8:14;    Galatians 5:16.Romans 7:24 and 8:23.

     6B  The Desire For Holiness:
For the moment the ability for holiness exceeds our ability.  God’s does give us salvation,
and  we are into our salvation, but salvation is not yet fully into us. We have a taste, but the          full  effect is yet future.

7B  Salvation Gives Us The Following
1C  Forgiveness, justification, reconciliation, pardon, acceptance, standing, fellowship. John
5:24 and Romans 8:32-39.
2C  Salvation also put us in Christ: called “union with Christ.”.  Romans     5:12-19                    Ephesians 4:20-24  and Colossians 1:27; 5:4.
3C  Our life as a moral person is supernaturalized by the Holy Spirit which makes the        presence of Christ “to us”, and reproduces in us the what God’s gives us:
1D  The desires, aims, attitudes, and behavior patterns that we see in Jesus Christ.


     1B  The question is why do we need salvation:  Note:   Martyn Lloyd Jones gives a great reason why we need  salvation.
      2B  The Definition of Sin
1C  Any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.
2C It is an energy, an obsession, an allergic reaction to God’s law, an irrational anti-God
3C  Our very nature is driven toward self-gratification.
4C  Here is sin in action: it is nonconformity to God in several ways:
1E  rebellion against God.
2E  transgression of the bounds God’s sets for us.
3E  missing the mark God has told us to aim at.
4E  defiling oneself in the sight of God

5C  Sin:  The mind of sinful man is death. its hostile to God, It do not submit to God’s law,
can the  mind do so.  Romans 8:6-8.

3B  The Bible is like a mirror for self-knowledge, that is the Bible shows us ourselves as we are.

4B  “No smokescreen of religioustity can save us from sin.”

5B  Do all people know that they are sinners?  Yes and No.  All people know where are not      they           obey God or reject His ways.  And as  result they don’t believe  they are sinners.  All people have a certain amount of knowledge  of God, thus they are without excuse: Romans 1:18.

3A  GOD’S PLAN FOR SALVATION:  (Set the stage for holiness.)

1B  How did God bring me into salvation that I now enjoy?   I Thessalonian 1:4

Well, we see this fleshed out in the life of Jesus Christ. I Timothy 2:56

2B  Jesus Christ is the model for holiness:  Mark 10:45, Matthew 26:28 and I Timothy 2:5

3B  Through the work of the Holy Spirit’s work in people’s heart, once the message that invites them to faith in Christ has gotten in their heads, they become certain that Jesus Christ is act.

One way or another, out of changed hearts there issues a commitment to live a changed live.
This new life:  A real and radical alteration of our personal being.
We enjoy a new status:

  • (1)Justified: (2) Adopted: and (4) Cleansed:  (5) Put “In Christ”.
  •   Romans 6:3-11; Ephesians 2:4-10 and Colossians 2:11-14

The New behavior patterns:

  • Romans 8:9-13; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Galatians 5:22-26.


  • Why would God saved a person?
  • Ephesians 1:3-7, 13-14; Romans 8:28-30; John 6:37-40,44-45


  • What will God go on to do, here and hereafter, in order to finish  what He has and complete the salvation He has in store for me?
  • Hebrews 4:13; John 1:5; 4:8,16

The divine agenda for the rest of my life on earth is my SANCTIFICATION

I have been raised from spiritual death and born again in Christ so that I might be changed into His moral likeness:

  • Ephesians 4:22-24, Colossians 3:9-10.

To increasing conformity to the image of Christ.

  • Conformity to His righteousness and holiness
  • Conformity to His love and humility
  • Conformity to His self-denial and single-mindedness
  • Conformity to His wisdom and prudence
  • Conformity to His boldness and self-control
  • Conformity to His faithfulness and strength under pressure Ephesians 2:10.

The answer to why life’s roller coaster ride?  Moral training and discipline. Hebrews 12:5-11
1B    What is the Christian life? The life of growth into Christ-likeness.

                1C        I John 3:2;
2C        Ephesians 4:24;
3C        2 Corinthians 3:8;
4C        Philippians 3:29;
5C        I Corinthians 9:49,
6C    I John 3:2
   2B    We do not know the scenario of our Christian life? Romans 8:35-39, 28

  3B    We do not know what will happen next!

4B    So, then we all must be prepared to fact tomorrow?

  5B    What does being prepared involved?  Here it is

1C    God-centered realism about living — and actual holiness of life.

2C    Those who cope best with all of life are those whose life a life-quest is to be   holy.

I type the outline on the I WordPad then transfer over to the website and they are never the same format. Sorry about this.