Romans 8 Complete Outine

cHARLES 05 15 11 PM


Romans 8 complete outline  73 pages on outline and notes

Romans has been a great book, and chapter eight has been a great chapter. I began Romans 8 back on October 2011. And Romans 8 begin with the 93th sermon. Last Sunday January 20 ,2013 was #140 in Romans and #47 in Romans 8


Preaching note

Preaching is a challenge today.  Even after 45 years of preaching, I still find myself searching for the ability to communicate the Word of God.  The content of the message is always good, because its God’s Word.  What I am always trying to improved on is the communication of the sermon.

Better to Listen to the Sign that God Gives You; Isaiah 7


God told Isaiah to go meet Ahaz and give him this message: vs. 4

‘Take Heed, and Be Quiet”

Isaiah 7:1-9

Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher/Counselor

January 02, 2013  # 27

Be on guard and rest: Good thought, right?  Matthew 11:28-30.  This is the right attitude to take in life:

On one hand: vigilance, determination, earnestness.

On the other hand: silence, resignation and hope.

Here we find balance between the passive and active aspects of life.  Herein we find rest in our heart.

(my message from Matthew 11:25-30: Jesus’ invitation to us to “rest.”)

1A       All True Life is a Listening:  “Be attentive, alert and take heed.”

1B        Light doesn’t come into careless, inattentive souls.

2B        A prayer attitude must be to think on these things.

3B        Revelation comes to those listening. God’s voice is lost because men come with souls full of noises.

(God’s voice is heard through the Holy Spirit in our spirit, and comes as we pray and read the Scripture and listen to the preaching of the Word of God)

4B        Our personal life, history: is a revelation of the mind of God, but we often miss the instructions.

5B        Give full place to observation and reflection: “Be Quiet” and you will find plenty of light and you will have no room in your heart for anxiety, unbelief, and despair.

2A       All True Life is a Watching:  Be caution, vigilant, circumspect.

1B        There is no room in life for presumption. When earnest prayer has been cultivated into a habit of prayerful watchfulness.  Let us be quiet.

2B        Most feel the need of

  1. Walking softly
  2. Being on the alert
  3. Soul is full of sober caution

But they never know: how to combine with this, that strong confidence in God which brings the sensitive heart’s assurance and peace.

3B        All True Life is a Striving:

1C       Life must be full of:


  1. Effort,
  2. Aspiration,
  3. Strenuousness,
  4. Perseverance.


                        2C       Life calls for us:


  1. To Consider.
  2. To Discriminate.
  3. To Decide.
  4. To Act.

3C       Yet We are to be “Quiet”


  1. Calm amid tumult.
  2. Tranquil in severest effort.
  3. Full of peace
  4. Full of confidence, when life is most difficult and denying.


4C       In our Earthly life:

  1. It is not a life to be lazy.
  2. It calls for us to be:
    1. Earnest
    2. Discreet
    3. Economical
    4. Prudent
    5. Pains-taking



Then we are to be “Quiet: which means: ‘No painful, misgiving thoughts of word.


5C       In our Christian life:

  1. Never to dream ourselves into, but seek:
    1. Spiritual knowledge
    2. Strength
    3. Beauty
    4. Completeness
    5. When we have given ourselves to God’s service and glory. With a single, purposeful heart. Let us for the rest be quiet.
    6. Investigate, with caution, patient and hopeful.
    7. Life has many puzzling avengers. Life presents things that are of confusions and contradictions.
    8. Reading the Word of God: Its content speaks clearly, to the glory of God. We are not to glide over such pages and loosely think over them.
    9. Our life at times may be going very smoothly – health good, business good.
    10. Other times life circumstances change: our health fails, creditors’ call, popularity falls
      1. Then we are staggered and ask skeptical questions.



  1. B.     BE QUIET

1.Proceed with caution. Look before you leap. Think before you act.

2.Do nothing before you have thought it over and prayed about it

  1. C.     TAKE HEED:

1.Worldliness is gradually creeping in.

2.Doctrine of all sorts is at a


  1. D.     SIT TIGHT:  FEAR NOT:

1.Self-control in the time of stress and storm. The world says: “How can they do that?  What is the secret of that wonderful composure? GOD.

2.Too often we believe the worst is going to happen. We are afraid of the outcome so much that we don’t do anything.

3.Fears, yes. Don’t cherish them.

4.Have patience: see the end of this trouble.

5.Fear not Tomorrow, God is already there.


1.Life is danger. We are walking in jeopardy every hour.



1.Be like the birds, they sit and look around.



1.Allow the Holy Spirit to draw His various graces upon you.



1.The child of God should live above the world, moving through it as a star, quietly moving – clear, serene and still.

January 09 2013


Isaiah 7:9-13

Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher


Generally speaking many people believe in obeying the laws of the land and to live their lives orderly.  They prefer these things, but do not want to give God credit.  Christians say, “It was the Lord that enabled us to have these things.” The unbeliever will say, “God had nothing to do with anything, we were the ones who accomplished what we have done.” “We can do good without believing in God.”  By the way this is the attitude of most of the world today.

There are people in the world who are worldly , who want to be known as believers, but intent to do nothing about it. It is sanctimoniousness rather than real spiritual interest.


Belief requires faith.  Faith is a divine word.  Only divine faith will bring about a human sense of hope and belief.  And only faith can quiet the restless of the spirit.  Our hope is build on nothing less than the righteousness of Jesus Christ, all other is on sinking sand.


God’s promises are not at all times easily steadily and firmly believed.

God’s Word cannot profit unless it be mixed with faith in those who hear it.

Faith is a biblical principle. Faith brings God and places Him before us.

Faith appropriates:  i.e. enables us to rejoice when we are in any circumstances.

God deserves to be believed: Why?

  1. He is God and being God He cannot lie
  2. His Word always has been true.
  3. He has no motive for being untrue.
  4. The honour of God is involved in His genuineness.


  1. They believe other things.
  2. They believe in themselves
  3. They are stubbornly fitted on themselves
  4. They demand this and that of God.



  1. A fair index of the heart.
  2. A sure proof of a change of mind.
  3. Faith inaugurates purity of life.
  4. It is faith that leads to prayer, that’s the very breath of God in man.
  5. Faith is that which will give credit to God for all things.


  1. Miss the comfort.
  2. Never two days alike.
  3. Confused in conduct.
  4. Hope never.
  5. Lack of spiritual vigor and strength.


  1. Do not want to ask God for an indication that he is God.
  2. The other half do not believe in God.
  3. And others simply refuse to believe anyone who will give them a Word from God.


Don’t refuse the advice of God, by those whom God has chosen.  Isaiah asked?  “No!” said Ahaz.



  1. First: Isaiah son. Isaiah 8:18.  Maher shal al hash baz. A sign of present deliverance for Israel.
  2. Secondly: The Messiah who would be born 700 years later.

A SIGN WAS GIVEN: We need a sign to believe.

Refers to something addressed to the sense to attest the existence of divine power. To assure faith or to demonstrate authority.

Ahah had a crisis in his spiritual life: didn’t have one

  1. Getting  entangled in idolatrous ways.
  2. Involved in disloyal relations.
  3. Compromised himself in dealing with the Temple treasure.



We Have Not Evolved on our Position of Sin

Albert Mohler:

The Presidential Inaugural Committee and the White House have now declared historic, biblical Christianity to be out of bounds, casting it off the inaugural program as an embarrassment. By its newly articulated standard, any preacher who holds to the faith of the church for the last 2,000 years is persona non grata. By this standard, no Roman Catholic prelate or priest can participate in the ceremony. No Evangelical who holds to biblical orthodoxy is welcome. The vast majority of Christians around the world have been disinvited. Mormons, and the rabbis of Orthodox Judaism are out. Any Muslim imam who could walk freely in Cairo would be denied a place on the inaugural program. Billy Graham, who participated in at least ten presidential inaugurations is welcome no more. Rick Warren, who incited a similar controversy when he prayed at President Obama’s first inauguration, is way out of bounds. In the span of just four years, the rules are fully changed.

The gauntlet was thrown down yesterday, and the axe fell today. Wayne Besen, founder of the activist group Truth Wins Out, told The New York Times yesterday: “It is imperative that Giglio clarify his remarks and explain whether he has evolved on gay rights, like so many other faith and political leaders. It would be a shame to select a preacher with backward views on LBGT people at a moment when the nation is rapidly moving forward on our issues.”

And there you have it — anyone who has ever believed that homosexuality is morally problematic in any way must now offer public repentance and evidence of having “evolved” on the question. This is the language that President Obama used of his own “evolving” position on same-sex marriage. This is what is now openly demanded of Christians today. If you want to avoid being thrown off the program, you had better learn to evolve fast, and repent in public.

This is precisely what biblical Christians cannot do. While seeking to be gentle in spirit and ruthlessly Gospel-centered in speaking of any sin, we cannot cease to speak of sin as sin. To do so is not only to deny the authority of Scripture, not only to reject the moral consensus of the saints, but it undermines the Gospel itself. The Gospel makes no sense, and is robbed of its saving power, if sin is denied as sin.

An imbroglio is a painful and embarrassing conflict. The imbroglio surrounding Louie Giglio is not only painful, it is revealing. We now see the new Moral McCarthyism in its undisguised and unvarnished reality. If you are a Christian, get ready for the question you will now undoubtedly face: “Do you now or have you ever believed that homosexuality is a sin?” There is nowhere to hide.

The New Look for January 2013

100_1262 100_1263 100_1264 100_1265WE ALWAYS LIKE TO HAVE A NEW LOOK AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR.

Our Adult Bible Study on Sunday Morning at 10 a.m. has been a time to learn some great Bible lessons \over the last four years.  We are currently studying the Attributes of God.

Spurgeon commenting on Psalm 9:10 observes that

Ignorance is worst when it amounts to ignorance of God, and knowledge is best when it exercises itself upon the Name of God. This most excellent knowledge leads to the most excellent grace of faith. O, to learn more of the attributes and character of God. Unbelief, that hooting night bird, cannot live in the light of divine knowledge; it flies before the sun of God’s great and gracious name. …By knowing his name is also meant an experimental acquaintance with the attributes of God, which are everyone of them anchors to hold the soul from drifting in seasons of peril. The Lord may hide his face for a season from his people, but he never has utterly, finally, really, or angrily, forsaken them that seek him.

Commenting on Psalm 18:22 he adds that


The word, the character, and the actions of God should be evermore before our eyes; we should learn, consider, and reverence them. Men forget what they do not wish to remember, but the excellent attributes of the Most High are objects of the believer’s affectionate and delighted admiration. We should keep the image of God so constantly before us that we become in our measure conformed unto it. This inner love to the right must be the main spring of Christian integrity in our public walk. The fountain must be filled with love to holiness and then the streams which issue from it will be pure and gracious.

Attributes God_in_nature[1] attributes-of-god

In life and death we prove the attributes of God’s righteousness. We find that He does not lie but is faithful to His Word. We learn the attributes of mercy, for He is gentle in the time of our weakness. We prove the attributes of His immutability, for we find Him “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb 13:8).